Showing posts with label aliens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aliens. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Hello Earthlings

A woman and a small child stand in a field watching the mountainous horizon while an old style television set plays a black and white UFO movie. Image by George Cosmos Wagner

 Hello Earthlings! UFO Television is now live!

UFO sightings have been a topic of interest and controversy in the United States since the 1940s. During this time, there were reports of flying saucers and strange aerial phenomena that could not be explained. While some of these sightings may have been attributed to weather balloons or other natural phenomena, many people believed that they were witnessing evidence of extraterrestrial life.

One of the most famous and well-documented UFO sightings occurred in 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico. An object crashed on a ranch outside of the town, and some people claimed that it was an alien spacecraft. The US military initially stated that it was a weather balloon, but theories about a cover-up have persisted to this day.

In the 1950s and 1960s, UFO sightings continued to capture the public's imagination. Many of these sightings were reported by pilots, who claimed to have seen strange objects in the sky that moved in ways that were impossible for human-made aircraft. The US Air Force conducted a series of investigations into these sightings, known as Project Blue Book.

During this time, Hollywood also became fascinated with the idea of UFOs and began producing a series of movies that featured flying saucers and alien invasions. One of the most iconic of these films was "The Day the Earth Stood Still," released in 1951. The film tells the story of an alien named Klaatu who comes to Earth to warn humanity about its destructive ways. The film's depiction of a peaceful, humanoid alien and its message of peace and cooperation struck a chord with audiences at the time.

Other notable UFO movies of the 1950s and 1960s included "Earth vs. the Flying Saucers" (1956), "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (1956), and "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" (1977). These films often played on people's fears of an alien invasion and the idea that we were not alone in the universe.

Despite the continued interest in UFOs and the countless reports of sightings over the years, there is still no publicly available evidence of extraterrestrial life. However, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence continues, and organizations such as SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) continue to listen for signals from other planets.

 UFO sightings have been a part of American culture since the 1940s, with many people believing that they have witnessed evidence of extraterrestrial life. While Hollywood has contributed to the fascination with UFOs through movies such as "The Day the Earth Stood Still," the search for extraterrestrial intelligence remains an ongoing pursuit. Whether or not we will ever make contact with intelligent life from another planet remains to be seen, but the search continues.


The image "Hello Earthlings" is an original work of art by American artist George Cosmos Wagner.

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Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Traveling With a Friend

Traveling With a Friend- a 1973 Cadillac Sedan deVille rolls along a lonely road lined with cactus in the American southwest while a UFO flys along keeping watch. Image by George Cosmos Wagner

Traveling With a Friend- Our 1973 Cadillac is on the prowl again through the great American southwest. We seem to have acquired a traveling companion- it's always better to travel with a friend...

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